Sticks and karats – Katrina Rischbieth

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer

Full of inspiration and ideas I returned home to find a stick.

The stick has a pair of big brown eyes that you just can’t ignore and they were pleading with me to take him for a walk. A temptation to be lazy and say ‘but he got walked this morning’ did cross my mind. But a little voice saying ‘remember how good you’re going to feel after you’ve taken Harry for a walk’ was echoing in my head.

I really wanted the carrot, but to get to the carrot I needed to walk the stick first.

I also wanted to ride the wave of inspiration I was on after doing the Gunnas writing workshop. But it felt more like an annoying splinter getting in the way of the carrot.

The carrot at the end was going to the pub for my friend’s birthday drinks (coincidentally they started at the same time the workshop finished).

So now I had two sticks, and only one carrot.

Dutifully I decided to take the dog for a walk, and take the time to think about what I would write. What could be good enough to send to Dev that she would post on her site?

I had an opportunity to write something that would possibly be seen and read, and it made me realise that this task of writing was not a stick. It was a big fat juicy carrot dangling in front of my nose. I felt like an ass.

So, true to the mining state that I live in, I went mining for gold…or anything slightly shiny and semi-precious. And if I’m going to find karats then I’m going to have to get rid of a few sticks in the process.

Dev gave me a deadline and a Gunnas tea towel on completion that I will wear as a headband. And ninja style I will say ‘fuck it, I’m doing it now’ and go mining for karats.

Thank you Dev for helping me overcome a fear of commitment and some other bullshit excuses.



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