Everybody Knows – C Sutcliffe

028 imgresAnother brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer.

Everybody knows that war is bad. Everybody knows that to help those less fortunate than ourselves is a virtue.  Everybody knows that the only thing we can be sure of is that things will change.

Everybody knows this and yet we are prepared to stop and detain, for unspecified lengths of time, people who risk their lives to flee injustice, war and persecution.

Everybody knows this and yet we insist that taxes must be lowered and that the National Disability Insurance Scheme will bankrupt the nation.

Everybody knows this and yet we fight to stop industries from dying that no longer serve our needs and, in fact, are poisoning our planet.

At what point are we prepared to act?  At what point are we prepared to defend what we believe in and say, “No, this will not stand!”

Is it once we have put our children through school and they are able to stand on their own two feet?

Is it once we’ve paid of the mortgage and are “financially secure”?

Is it once we retire, get off the treadmill and finally have time to look around and see that everything that we have worked so hard for just isn’t there?

At what point would you be prepared to go to a rally, hand out leaflets or door knock in support of a cause you believe in?

At what point will you investigate an issue and find out what the facts really are rather than just sitting back and taking the “opinions” dished up to you by the media?

At what point will you realise the future you dream of is being sold, compromised and given away without your consent or understanding?

When we finally realise that we have only one life to live, only one planet to live on and only one way to have an impact on the future then we will act.

That time is now.

Wake up and take action or the tomorrow you end up in will be someone else’s.

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