Why Women Will Change The World – Rod Williams

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer

053 urlHis Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has stated that Western women will be the force behind the change the world needs. I totally agree with this, I keep coming across feisty women of all ages who are standing in their power and speaking their truth.

From Jordanna Jaffe who empowers women to create their own on line businesses to Danielle LaPorte who is transforming people’s relationship to themselves and their day to day actions through living from their Core Desired Feelings through her fabulous The Fire Starter Sessions and her amazing work book The Desire Map, these women are enlivening my heart as they go about creating a New World Order of Empowered passionate people especially women. 

This movement was started in the 60’s by women such as Germaine Greer but was thought to be too extreme for the mainstream.

Lissa Rankin with her ground breaking views on self healing through her excellent Mind over Medicine, Gabrielle Bernstein with her get up and go attitude in May Cause Miracles, Carla Golden with Because being Happy is your Life Purpose, Locals Tanishka Tantrika with her goddess empowerment work expressed through her Moon Woman Facebook page and online courses and Thea Westra through her ForwardSteps.Com.Au blog and Time for My Life: 365 Stepping Stones are chipping away at the mainstream opinion that you need to have a dick and balls to truly succeed in Life, They are empowering women to become modern day Lilith’s, Wild Women who are in touch with their power and speaking from their souls. Bring  it on I say.

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