A Poet? – Who Me? Hell Yes! – Why Not?!! – Tracy Armstrong

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer


I’m sitting in the Gunnas Writing Masterclass

It’s the end of the day; the last task is 5 minutes to write

With my mind racing and hands shaking, all I think is

“Only 5 minutes? WTH? I could do this all night!”


I’ve never thought of myself as a writer

Never imagined I’d be a poet

But now I know this is what I’m meant to do

I just bloody know it!


I’ll write for the lost kid that’s in all of us

With my ancestors as spiritual guardians and guides

I’ll write about the Awesome Archangels

Our true imaginary friends, who never leave our side


Angels and Guides please help me to focus

Help get my shit together to reach my goal

I need to get these books out of my head

I ask with all my heart and soul


Thank you for guiding me to Gunnas

Thanks for Earth Angels like Catherine

I cried happy and nervous tears today

I’m inspired; I’m motivated … let’s make this shit happen!


Tracy Armstrong

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