The unfinished tale of Charles the Great – Gemma Carman

053 urlAnother brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer

Once upon a time there was a very unusual family led by a giant. This giant had an uncle of average height and a nephew (from his sister) who was tiny. These three lived a life of strange misadventure – break ups, meltdowns and backlash followed.

They lived in a time when life was difficult.

Everyday they would rise early to work hard at jobs that were physically exhausting and extremely low paid. They dreamed of a better life as most did in London in the 1900s. One day, Charles Wendt, known by all who knew him as Charles the Great, decided he had had enough of the back breaking jobs and wanted a life filled with colour and joy.  He decided that his only chance was to follow his boy hood dream of joining the circus. He convinced his uncle, Archibald Wendt and his nephew Harry to join him.

Because of that decision the trio set off on an adventure that could never have been for seen. They would remain together until the day they died. Until finally this story could be told – so sit back, relax and get yourself ready to listen to a story of great love and loss.

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