Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.
So l find myself in a room of humour, wisdom, humility, generosity, honesty & experience. 30 seconds in l know l’m where l am meant to be today.
My bladder is so full that it’s actually holding up my breasts & l wish l’d worn knickers. This whole Vagina Health Advocate gig comes with risk. The words & ideas being shared are more valuable than the the potential loss of dignity. Mental note to start the Kegels again. Any who, we all know that puddles are fun. Don’t we?
Didn’t we love jumping in puddles? Didn’t we flout authority & laugh at the threat of punishment for jumping in puddles? Wasn’t it exhilarating? We felt alive didn’t we?
That aliveness is my addiction to writing. I like the glow crafting words gives me. Bollocks. I LOVE the glow, it’s more than like.
Like is what you do on Facey. If you’re brave enough.
I’m brave enough to do what l love.