A couple of things – Karen Gardner

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.

One last hour

She sees him one last time

He’s in his coffin in the chapel at William Cole’s

A cavernous space with church pews, candles and a raised platform

onto which they’ve wheeled her son


A coffin made of ply and steel

Built by uncles who share his love of steel and wood

A work of art with mini handles

Minis are his favourite car


One last hour, just him and her

She’s cold but not as cold as him

They’ve washed and brushed his hair

and put him in the shorts and Tshirt she’s chosen for his final farewell.


She can sense he’s been carefully placed

to prevent them seeing the holes where they’ve done the autopsy

She can’t bear the thought of what might be beneath his clothes

It’s terrible and she doesn’t know how to be with him.


He’s looking like he needs to go.

Somehow his face is sinking

and she feels it isn’t right to keep him with her any longer,

She’s got to let him go, uphold his dignity and get on with the job of burying him.


The road

Staring ahead at a world without shape

A blurr with no structure or contour or scape

a moment for screaming that helps with release

for driving out numbness that obliterates peace


Black bat

Grief descends, a great black bat

hanging dense and low

Encased by wings that keep it tight

from time to time it takes on flight

then air blows through and fans the pain

rejigging wounds through new terrain

and stoking flames that bring on fire

keeping love alive

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