Egoic pleasures – Willow Newman-Saige

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

This course, this writing course. Revelations. Expectations. Degregdations of Self. The eccentracies of ego. Egoic pleasures and egoic destructions.  The truth reality of any given moment. The most precious time we have is in the now. Yes. It is and then within spacial mili-seconds it’s dissapated, but has yet burst into shards of hope, visions, fragments of what was that metamorphisises into a branded bubble of nothingness and something precious webbed together by collective and chaotic collisions of new information that, becomes redundant once spoken but with explosive potentials, to stick into the perception of an audience consciousness, thus influencing their perceived truth reality, changing thought processes, rewriting conscious blueprint, enabling physical response.

The point is, since thoughts, ideas, truths etc, are less than a second in time true, at any given moment, then the whole process is an illusion and it’s very real illusion that births a desire.  The desire once birthed, comes with choices and those choices are inspiration – whether to pursue the collected and collective of fusions or to exhaust the moment by squashing the oxygen out of it because of learnt fear and negativity.  All that remains are ashes and voided hopes and dreams that birthed question marks of the ‘what if?  It wasn’t meant to be”.

The alternative.  Co-creation with your minds eye, tabling the tangents and touring the spaces where the gaps reside.  Touch, feel the tangible trade of the tango in the mind.  Observe and witness the translation of mind to hand to paper.  Watch the ink make shapes on the paper and focus on the sobriety of making love to pure ambiguity, just being present, being you, just being.

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