A Hint of Haiku a Glimpse of Me – The Comeback Kid

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer.
If I wrote Haiku
in Gunnas  today then
it would be concise

or many concise
points from my perspective on
my experience

I have yet to say
anything about my feelings
they are avoided

so, I feel into
my body and I feel tense fear
constricting my whole being

I keep writing and
throat clenched against rising vomit
my shoulders are tense

my stomach feels like
a concrete slab, reinforced
and I continue

I am a survivor
of self inflicted murder
obviously failed

not witty, not fun
just lost and hurt and broken
If I didn’t die

Then I was meant to

live, so I better
start living and that means
integrating me

All of me into
me, all feelings and thoughts
merging into me

and now I gestate
this unborn me and I love
I love and nurture

nourish, protect, serve
myself because with help I
realise that I am

I am here, I am
I am here and I matter
I matter to me


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