Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Alice. She lived in her own world so she was known as Alice in Wonderland. Alice never wanted to grow up so when she did she was so sad and when she started menstruating she cried for days and days. She didn’t stop crying until the blood stopped. Alice cried every month. When all dressed up for her school graduation the curse arrived and blood leaked through onto her dress. She was so distraught that she cried and cried for days. Alice believes it is so unfair that only women bleed. Alice is 50 now and is going through menopause. She no longer bleeds. Every day she is scared that it will come back!. Alice is now in her 60’s and she rejoices that she no longer gets her period. Alice crys now because her boobs are sagging and her skin has lost it’s elasticity. Because of this sadness she takes medication to try and make her happy. The meds work but it is sad that she has to take them, she should be happy now she no longer bleeds. Alice is now 80 she is incontinent and has to wear pads. Because of this she cries most days. Alice turns 90 and no longer cries. She is in her own little world. Alice has gone back to her wonderland. Finally Alice dies aged ninety nine. This story is sad but true. It is not about a girl called Sue. It is about Alice. Alice Alice who the fuck is Alice anyway. For thirty four years I’ve been living next door to Alice. But now Alice has gone and I am still here!
The end!