Thanks for your hilarious ‘statement’ (WOW! BROKEN LINK! YOU HAVE TAKEN THE STATEMENT DOWN! Lucky we still have some of it here) endorsing your decision to use topless women or as you call them ‘body artists’ to advertise your bike shop. Or as we call it Douche Bag Central.
A few quick questions.
1. Why no male ‘body artists’?
2. Why were the female ‘body artists’ both young, thin and sexualised with stilletoes and lingerie? Why not different body shapes and ages? Blundstones and Cottontails anyone?
3. What were you attempting to communicate about your brand with the choice of naked women in stilletoes and lingerie to promote bike riding when there were so many other alternatives? Was there a ‘happy ending’ door prize?
4. if you’re totally cool with your decision to employ topless women in lingerie to promote your bikes and no one was offended why have you;
a. Taken the photos down? (Don’t worry I have gone to the trouble of put them back up in order showcase how you ‘support women’s cycling’)
b. Deleted all the comments disagreeing with your ‘artistic decision’?
c. Disabled the ratings system on your Facebook page?
d. Refuse to post any of the negative reponses to your ‘statement’?
Don’t think we don’t know your statement is full of lies.
So Simon Coffin, you decided and conferenced the idea of women in body paint and people having their photo taken with them to promote your business, found the ‘body artists’, booked them, told everyone, paid for them, had them on the run down and no one said anything at any point during those weeks like ‘not a good look dude?’
Seriously? I smell bullshit.
And by the way, many people were uncomfortable and/or offended. As you well know.
And ‘tasteful’ is a very interesting way to spell ‘tacky’.
We’re very disappointed there was no Harry Connick Jr to speak up about it on the night. If there was he certainly would have had a place in Feminist Heaven.
5. My final question. How stupid do you think we all are? Supporting women’s cycling is not the same thing as a cynical marketing exercise to sell women bikes.
I love your last line explaining you simply ‘tolerate’ women as oppose to seeing them as equals. You prove our point better than we ever could. So too the way you won’t stand for the ‘blatant abuse of women’, so a bit of abuse is okay then?
Women and girls are fellow bike riders not handlebar ornaments or human garnish.
Hot enough for you?
Enjoy the publicity.
I’m sure you’ll sell heaps of bikes, to douche bags. Like yourselves.
For people who are not into supporting misogynists cavemen we are suggesting the following for all your bike needs…
Velo Cycles
Commuter Cycles
St. Cloud
Ivanhoe Cycles
The Pushy Women, Town Bikes, Pedal Pushers, BMX Bandettes, Dragster Babes, Girls on Wheels and Dykes On Bikes
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