Category Archives: Curvy Crumpet

Curvy Crumpet Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2013

I’m did a new one woman show for 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival called Curvy Crumpet.

“The audience were delighted”




It’s was chosen by Time Out as one of the Top 20 MICF must see shows (see below).

“1970s parenting, swearing, happiness, offence, haters, personality assassinations of her children, the hot IT boyfriend and Brazilians….”


“It was my six year old niece’s birthday last weekend. She had fancy dress party. The theme was ‘creepy’. I went dressed as Cardinal George Pell.”

“2012. My nephew Harry swallows a coin. My sister-in-law calls an ambulance. 1975. I swallow a coin. Mum takes it out of my pocket money.”

Deveny does 1970s parenting, swearing, happiness, offence, haters, personality assassinations of her children, the hot IT boyfriend and what’s with porn? Jokes, story-telling and smackdowns from Australia’s most glamorous loudmouth…..

Curvy Cumpet chosen in the Top 20 shows to see at MICF


Saturday 30th April

Overwhelmed with people blowing smoke up my arse about Curry Crumpet. Thank you all so much for the big, generous, noisy audiences so early in the season. This show is the beginning of a bigger project. I am doing ten one woman shows over the next ten years. You heard me. So Curvy Crumpet is the first part of a ten hour show in yearly instalments. I think of it as my stand-up Phd. You know how you can download a telly show you like and binge on the whole season over a weekend? This is the reverse. You have to wait a year for the next episode. Charlie will be 20 when I do the last one and we’re going to do a show together called Deveny & Son.

Come on the ride.


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