Category Archives: Media

The Age Gets It’s Tweets In A Tangle

From ABC’s The Drum

By Jonathan Green

May 5 2010

Even as I write this The Age website is spruiking its story on the sacking of columnist Catherine Deveny and the attendant controversy. Her face is just above the fold (as, endearingly, we still say of websites) on homepage, with the headline “Deveny dropped: editor acts after Logies storm”. The comment counter is sitting at 567


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Love Her Or Loathe Her

From The Age
By Michael Lallo
December 11, 2008

Few columnists elicit such starkly contrasting responses as Catherine Deveny, and that’s just the way she likes it. Michael Lallo reports.

CATHERINE Deveny is sitting on a couch out the front of her house, her bare feet up on a stool. It’s hot and windy, and her red cotton dress is billowing around her ears. After her fourth inadvertent Marilyn Monroe impersonation, she yanks it down and tucks it between her legs. Then she likens herself to a prostitute as she sets about biting the hand that feeds her.



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