Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER
I first heard about it on the Swedish evening radio news while I was in this godforsaken place in Norway supposedly going to do my high school certificate.
As I heard the news I was devastated . I asked my landlady to use her phone to call my Mother. “Yes” she said reluctantly “but make it short”.
I wanted to return to Stockholm to be there for my Mother, for my Father’s funeral and for me.
“No there is nothing to be achieved by you coming here. Stay where too are and in two months we will spend Christmas together in Lillehammer’
The time came to travel to Lillehammer, it was snowing very heavily when I got on the train and six hours later I was I Lillehammer being met by…
This was the 1st 5 minute writing, not edited but needs to be!