I hate deadlines – Lisa Gillick

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

#1 I lit a fag on my own, it was stolen fag from my Mum’s Rothmans packet on the kitchen bench. I choked and gagged, I was about 12 or 13. I always have a little Bic lighter in my car because I still like a ciggie when I am out and having a drink. I impersonate all members of my family past and present in the way they smoked. I still blow smoke rings with my Sister sometimes.My Mum kept her lighters in her bra, sometimes two or three of the, Mum had a very large bosom and lots of space in between to stash fags and lighters. She could always whip out a light if you didn’t have one.

#2 It was expensive to go out for dinner, almost unheard of when you grow up in a Housing Commission home in Frankston and there are seven kids in the family. It was expensive to buy homes,own cars, pay for school fees, school books,  school uniforms, eat steak, go to the Dentist or Doctor, just about everything was costly but fags were cheap as chips. 11 or 12 cents for a packet of Escourt or Viscount 10’s and they could be hidden easily in your bra or undies.
#3 We used to hang out at the  front of George Pannagakis’s milk bar with the gang and a durrie in our gobs.
#4 One night my Mum appeared at the milk bar in her nightie and dressing gown with her rollers under her scarf and said “Lisa I know you are there, get home this minute. And put that cigarette out on the way!” Shame job in front of my friends.
I miss having a ciggie with my Mum.
Ran out of time to write up Promt  #5 and #6.
I hate deadlines.
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