I want to write a story about a sheep- Claire Na

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.

i want to write a story about a sheep

whose fleece was made of the night sky

whose eyes held the light of the moon

who sang the song of the rivers

the sheep whose legs were like tree trunks

all rough bark and brown vitality

whose ears heard every birdsong.

i want to write a story about a sheep

whose flesh was composed by our sun

whose tongue was made of silver and gold

whose nose knew every blossom that graced our earth

whose belly never hungered, for the world had provided.

i want to write a story about a sheep

who slept in an ocean of stars

who dreamt in galaxies

who thought of constellations

who bleated in nebulae

for the world and all the worlds were in the sheep as the sheep in them.

i want to write a story about a sheep

who called out like desert winds

who birthed forests 

who trampled craters and valleys and trenches

who swam the oceans as one ocean.

i want to write a story about a sheep

about the sheep living just past my back fence

whose fleece is mottled white and brown

whose eyes are bleary and half-blind

who sings no songs

whose legs are short and lame

who hears little

whose flesh is composed of flesh

whose tongue is made of tongue

whose nose knows not the difference between the brown grass and the green

whose belly echoes empty 

who sleeps in a muddy paddock

who dreams in black nothing

who thought of a little lamb

who bleated in sadness

who called out in hope

who birthed nothing but yawning stillness

who trampled rabbit holes

who wished to swim the oceans as one ocean.

i want to write a story about a sheep.

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