Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER
She might come back
It’s an unknown quantity
When you’re friends with a lady bug
She bounces from leaf to leaf
In the cabbage patch
She takes on moths and worms
Sometimes aphis, sometimes birds
Smashing holes in the produce
Then patching them up
Tomato vines tethered on sticks
With Mums old stockings
It’s romantic, but practical
No room for emotion or fancy
Just get it done!
Dig the hole, put in the stake
Before the sun get’s too hot
It’s hard work growing vegies
Purely cathartic – my Dad’s release
From pain and arthritis
From screaming kids and Mum
Food for his family
Fresh on the table
It’s not fantasia
It’s pragmatic, it’s real
It’s pure homemade love.