Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.
Piece – What a funny thing life is, it never fails to amaze me how different every human being I meet is. I have always been a people watcher, but the stories I have made up in my head over the years about all the different people I see so often do not come close to the reality of the stories people have to tell if you just bother to ask them. But even the people in life that you meet and that you think to yourself how funny it is that you can have so much in common, when you get down to the very core of that person you are so unlikely to be the same. Take siblings for example, you may think that the fact that you grew up in the same house, with the same mother and the same father, go to the same schools and have largely the same friends that you will somehow grow into comparable people who function in largely similar ways. But life shows again and again that even with all of these things in common you somehow end up as such different people that sometimes it almost hurts.
Cheers (terrified)