Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER
Perhaps I would’ve stayed with my sad boyfriend. Perhaps I would’ve been one of the ones to encourage him to hold up the bottle shop with a syringe. Or perhaps I would’ve been the one to talk him out of it. Perhaps I would’ve been a junkie, no job, no ambition, no hope – just like the others. Perhaps I would’ve been the one to OD. Maybe the first, certainly not the last. Or perhaps I would’ve missed my girlfriends and moved to Melbourne anyway. They’d moved for uni – maybe I’d have gone to Uni. Perhaps I’d have a degree. Probably means I wouldn’t be here right now. In this room, with these people, with Dev. Probably means a lot of things. Who fucking knows. Who fucking cares.
If I had 6 months to live, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve not often had idealistic futuristic thoughts or pondered my lifestyle’s sustainability. It’s always been one foot in front of the other. Which door, which path, which adventure next? I’ve been forced to face my mortality head on several times already so I’m convicted in my choice of no change.
I’m pretty fucking happy with my lot, which is not through luck, it’s through good decision making. Right now, if my husband could not leave so early and have a cuppa with me in the morning I’d say things are pretty fucking close to great!