‘Pro’crastination – Madeline Greenfield

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

Last year I was made redundant.

Focus on the positives – this is an opportunity to reinvent myself, to really define I want to do with my next ‘chapter of life’. I would lose weight, join the local gardening and sustainability group and maybe do some volunteering.

But…I’m a pro at procrastination.

My best friend writes a list and ticks through it manically. Saturday seems to be her day of significant achievement. Not for me… I like to sleep-in and then pop down to the milk bar at 11am to buy overpriced (and definitely NOT free-range) bacon and eggs from under the lolly counter.

I do admire the discipline of ‘the list’, and in my head I think of a lot of things I can/ should do. I snip things out from the local paper and go on fact-finding missions. But like a Metro train that stops short of the final destination I reverse and stall.

Here’s my progress so far:

I joined the local library. I now have my first reminder for overdue books. ‘Returning books’ including two I haven’t read is now a new item on my list.

I cut out an article about the local gardening club that meet on the third Saturday of every month and stuck if on the fridge. I also started saving jars. I need to soak all the labels off the jars before I can take them to the group another new item on my list. 

The local gym I went and did a tour and got the information brochure with the pricing structure. I came home and explained to my husband that its cheaper if he joins. He explained its actually nearly another $1000 per year if he joins not cheaper. I now need to go and do the 7 day trial another new list item.

Volunteering I found out the local council were doing a volunteer expo but then I started thinking ‘what if I get a new full-time job and I can’t give them the time that I’ve committed to and then I’ll let them down and so it’s probably better for them if I never started in the first place.’ Another unticked box.

Well, at least I bought the bacon and eggs.


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