Ruminations – Susan Browning

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer

Relaxing on an old chair from the state cinema in my garden, working to sit up straight. It’s quiet in North Hobart, three doors up from the main drag. I feel enveloped by the plants and trees and can see my rabbit sleeping, on a pile of dirt he removed while tunelling. He is in his element and so am I.

Gently gazing towards the ripe red roses which have just emerged, still feeling the intensity of catherine’s energy and the power of the messages she delivered. I have written more words today than in many a year, and it seemed effortless.

I have stories to tell so might as well start now.

Snap, it’s a helpful co-incidence

We’d been walking north along Elizabeth Street from a Japanese restaurant in central Hobart, where we’d eaten sparingly and washed down the food with cold sake. Only enough room in the car for four….two friends and i volunteered to foot it up the hill, only a ten-minute walk to home. The woman of the duo is a questioner, rapid fire, and was curious, as we walked past the republic bar and cafe, where love can germinate, to ask me about love, do I have a lover.

“You need someone to love you Suzie and for you to love back.”  immediately I feel discomfort but try to give a considered response. “um, I suppose so, but I have love, in the form of a rabbit.”
“When were you last in a relationship (with a man), have you had one here?” she persisted.

I think no, and then yes.
“I did date Roger G. For two and a half weeks about 5 years ago.”
I expect a gasp of surprise that our mutual friend had been my lover at one time. She says who’s roger g?
I describe him, in an emphatic manner, gesticulating, of course you know him, he’s one of the gang.

We are passing a restaurant, an institution on the strip, I look up into the face, within metres, of roger g, for the first time in more than a year. The section of street was empty otherwise.

That’s him I tell my friend as we walked on after some small talks. And secretly i feel a little bit special, as though a cosmic power has winked at me.
I feel high, high on life and laughter.
If i’d been able to draw i would have drawn circles and full-lipped mouths with big smiles.
This is the mystery of life. Don’t allow those who would preach only on the rational suppress your excitement and wonder.

Give not a shit when they try to play down the significance of your cosmic moments. Put them in a diary or on your blog.
One day,  you might have a book.


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