Testimonial – Stephanie Hughes

Hey Dev,
I went to your Masterclass in October and my writing habits couldn’t be more different now, and I have you to thank for giving me the creative enema I needed.
I’ve stopped applying for “creative” writing jobs because I realised I’d be writing for someone else instead of myself.
I’ve gotten myself a full time admin job, so I’ve always got time to write something while I’m at work. Writing now is a daily habit for me, like sleeping (I was going to say showering but that habit still hasn’t kicked in as a daily thing yet). And best of all I haven’t been tracking my writing behaviour like I used to – no edits, no re-writes while making the first draft, no going back and reading through it to see “where i got up to”. Because i know the characters and story so intimately, I trust that what comes next was always meant to be there. I’ve written over 12,000 words in 2 months, and 5,000 of those words in the last 2 weeks. My momentum can only get faster.
So thank you for teaching me how to actually write instead of just thinking or talking about it. I’ve never been so happy with my writing in my life smile emoticon
Muchos lovas,

Stephanie Hughes

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