Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.
Words – “lucky dip”.
Picture – a naked young woman sitting on a sofa looking at a skeleton.
Prompts – underlined.
Once upon a time there was… Isn’t that the perfect beginning to a story? Actually, is there really a bad way to begin a story? Even if it doesn’t start well, by the very nature of it beginning it now has room to improve… Once upon a time there was a girl. And, as so often happens in these cases, once upon a time there was a boy. Well, a man technically, but a boy at heart in every way. There are many philosophies as to what brings us together in life – fate, destiny, or maybe it is all just a lucky dip. Whatever the reason, this girl and this boy were brought together. Not in an outstanding sort of way – mutual friends, the usual sort of thing – it was hardly love at first sight. “Like at first matching of wits” would be closer to the truth. Every day after they were brought together was, well every day was different. That’s life. Is there such a thing as an “every day” occurrence? There are always variants. Even your morning coffee differs in temperature and strength. But every day after they were brought together led to the next day they would meet. One day the boy asked the girl to go for a walk, just the two of them. It still wasn’t love, but the like was certainly growing and the wits were still matching. The walks became more frequent – more fun, more fulfilling – until it did, somewhat unexpectedly, become love. Not the sort of honeymoon, stars in your eyes kind of love that so often burns out as fast as it ignites, rather the sort of love that left them feeling as if they had been married for 45 years but had somehow not noticed the time passing them by. Because of that they grew together faster that they might have, catching up to the 45 years of togetherness that seemed to exist between them. The walks became dinners, the dinners led to nights, and the nights led to weeks in what would clearly be a lifetime of endless days and nights, of walks and dinners, of wits and love. And because of that it never crossed their mind – lifetimes are sometimes far from endless… Who knows what is at play when people are driven apart. Fate? Destiny? Or is it all a matter of luck? Whatever the ultimate cause, there came a night when the boy did not come home. Two men came to the door…. But not the boy – the boy would not be coming home again. There would be no more walks, no more wits…. But there would always be love. Because no amount of fate, destiny or luck can undo love. And so the girl goes on, her love undying, doing her best to live life for the both of them. Until finally, or so the girl hopes, they might be brought together again. Through fate, or destiny, or luck… In the afterlife? Or another life? Perhaps feeling a strange connection that seems to surpass the ages. Where the girl and the boy might begin their “once upon a time” all over again….
The Beginning.