The Magic – Jacinta Lis

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

We’re all searching for it, our purpose, our passion, the thing that makes us sit up every morning and want to get out into the world. I have reflected and searched for my gift for as long as I can remember. What is it that I am supposed to give back? How am I going to contribute? What do I have to offer?

Today I think I may have found it! My magic!

The thing that makes me light up inside and nourishes my soul. What I didn’t realise was that I had always had it with me. I think I may have stumbled across it by accident when I was younger but managed to bury it over with fear and self-doubt. I knew I had something there I just didn’t know what to do with it.

I have always looked at my Mum and admired her natural artistic flare and often wondered why I hadn’t found my passion or purpose when it seems to flow so freely through her. I am cut from the same cloth, where was my talent? The problem was, I think I always knew it was there but didn’t understand it. My best friend often encouraged me to pursue writing, she could see it too but I doubted myself and always felt that the timing wasn’t right or what I had to say no one else wanted to hear. That’s the problem with magic, how can you use it if you don’t believe? I didn’t believe that I had what it takes so I ignored it. I had been ignoring the little voice that had been trying to get out. Looking for something else to make my heart skip a beat.

Until today I hadn’t really understood the concept of art or having a muse, but I am starting to see why I have attachments to things or people and why I want to express myself in writing. It comes naturally to me. Not in the sense that I always have something to say, but in the sense that I am an expressive person. Having in depth conversations with the people I love and admire can send me off into a little writing frenzy and sets my ideas on fire. Sometimes it’s small and manageable and other times it’s pie in the sky. What excites me now is that I want to chase each thought, explore these ideas further, make time to make my writing a priority.

I feel like I have uncovered another piece of my authentic self and it excites me. It opens up pathways and brings with it new challenges that I can’t wait to explore. The shine and sparkle of testing out my craft is something I can’t wait to do, so here I am sharing it with you. We all have that special something in us, we just have to have the courage to look. Believe in your magic and follow your heart and there you will find your passion and purpose.



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