Things are better off not left unsaid – Prue Beirne

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS writer. 

Joel Grey as Master of CeremoniesSomething was read to me today that sparked an intense emotion inside.

A piece of writing I was quite envious of…….Its 10 years since my Dad has passed and things remain the same.

I remember sitting in the funeral parlour looking at my dads coffin thinking, well Dad, like everything in life you left it up to them to organise this, I would have put on a cabaret for you, but you never did speak out, you never did live a life true to yourself. And I was always left in the background.

Well heres the God awful truth…. You lived your whole life as a lie. You were a gay man pretending to live the hetro dream. That’s your choice believe it or not! You were unaware of anything that was occurring in your own home. I don’t blame you for not seeing the sexual abuse from your son, that’s some sneaky shit….but you where there when we were all bullied by him. You didn’t leave because he told you not to!  Your wife, my mother, was and still is a cold woman. And you where much the same…fuck Dad , that’s not good enough. Ive always defended you but you don’t deserve it.

What you all did was not good enough.

And 10 years on everything remains the same. All of it, except me. ….I told the truth and no one speaks to me and that’s ok. The one thing I did learn from you is to always be true to yourself. …..This is your base. This where you set off from all of lifes journeys , you cant go wrong. I have a beautiful family, a loving partner and 4 divine children. I have all that I need. …I will continue on being true to me. And I’m sure I will continue to enjoy life.

Life is a cabaret you know Dad …you should have come joined the cabaret….. wanker……….




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