Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER.
A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes and religious laws. So here is my code of conduct for giving ZERO FUCKS.
Zero Fuckers should behave in the appropriate way as follows at all fucking times or risk expulsion to a life of misery and ass kissing.
– Be badass at all times. Perhaps the most important part of giving no fucks, is actually giving no fucks. Be badass, it works well.
– Say what you think, ask for what you need, and express how you feel. Fuck pleasing people.
– Wear what you want, when you want, wherever you want.
– Eat whatever the fuck you want.
– Don’t apologise for who you are
– Listen to your own story, not others people’s version or chapter of who you are.
– Be unapologetically successful. Succeed and own it. Be proudways.
– Don’t ever put yourself down or you’ll be required to vacate the premise of your own soul to be sucked into the societal void of everyone else’s unhappiness. And no one needs that kind of fuckery.
– Play every goddamn day. All work and no play makes you a boring old shite who may have loads of money, but no sense of how to spend it.
– Put yourself first and unapologetically give zero fucks about it. People hate it when you speak your truth and put your needs first. Fuck em! It’s not selfish, it’s basic self care.