Rosie’s take on the seasons – Rosie

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER


I love autumn because I separated from a 10 year marriage on 14 February 1990. I smoked a packet of cigarettes a day and drank diet coke instead of eating and I lost 2 stone. I loved being slim and I loved being able to bring up my girls on my own, make my own decisions, right or wrong, take risks on decisions and suffer the consequences of wrong decisions, and there were lots. It’s probably not such a good idea to let children have a tv and computer each in their own bedroom but lessons learnt I’ll do that differently next time. I love autumn as the leaves fall and everything dried up is discarded.


I love winter. . I used to love getting home from work with both my girls safe inside the house and watching the rain outside, knowing that we were all together, safe at home. Winter also means hot-water bottles, bed-socks, snuggly blankets, and watching a series in bed on an ipad with a partner if you have one.


I love spring because as a young person growing up in Melbourne spring was the beginning of looking forward to the end of a school year, end of exams and a massive holiday. Even though I don’t do exams anymore and I don’t have school holidays I still have that same feeling that spring is the start of something and the end of something else. I love the apple blossoms and new green leaves that appear everywhere. It’s so fresh.


I love summer because time stood still while we lay on the beach at the peninsula for seven weeks, and I can’t have that again, but I can dream about it.

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