The Writer – Anonymous

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

Twelve people meet outside a café. Different backgrounds, ages, professional experiences and objectives that will impact on how the day will unfold. After an overview and coffees ordered, Catherine asks us to introduce ourselves to each other. What’s your story? we ask. The pressure of professional networking is gone as we discover something personal about each other – our lives, our writing goals and motivations.

Some are here for professional development, some have a story to tell, some are already writers having completed a manuscript for a book. Some, like me, don’t have anything in particular to write – just wanting to develop creativity, wanting to put words on paper, and just to enjoy the process of writing.

“Mimicking” Catherine suggests, could be a way to develop my writing and creativity skills. How would Wil Anderson write? How would Chopper Reed write? How would I write if I wrote from a different location? How would I write if I dressed like a 16th Century prostitute? Something to consider.

One of my classmates set out to achieve “30 by 30” – tick off a list of 30 things to do by 30 years old. To date he has completed the manuscript for his first sci-fi novel by writing 50,000 words – much of it written by attending these workshops. This got me thinking about my next step.

Over a rustic, family-style Italian lunch, Catherine asks how my year has been going. “It’s been hard” I admit. If I’m honest, 2019 has been one of my hardest. I’m exhausted professionally and personally – moving back from overseas, starting a new job, rebuilding a sense of home, financial stress, a family member’s serious illness, adjusting to the first year of marriage, career burnout.

The 30-by-30 approach could be a ‘40-by-40’. What do I want to achieve in the next two years in my life? What would success look like for me at 40? What things do I prioritise over the next two years, and what do I need to let go of?

Perhaps I could publish an article as a part of this list. Could I write a biography about my travel adventures and mishaps? Maybe I can record a short film about all of my dad’s nine-lives – the time he got speared by a surfboard, or when he tried build a house while he bled internally for several days – he almost makes it sound like an urban legend and you feel yourself getting swept up in his story telling.

Adventures will be the next things to add to the list: go skydiving, cage diving with great white sharks, and to sail across a major ocean. Next will be the travel bucket list: Uluru, Vietnam, walk (and dive) the Great Wall of China, a road trip on Route 66, and a month travelling around Scandinavia.

Career goals would need to be included. Make over $100K salary. Work flexibly. Have a private office. Is this even possible within the next two years? Maybe I’ll hire a coworking office for a week to write about nothing in particular.

I look back at the list. All this in two years? 40-by-40? I better get started.

Catherine is wrapping up the day – tips for writing inspiration, motivation and time management techniques. “Send me what you wrote today and I’ll publish it online” she says.

I look over what I’ve written today. It’s rough but it’s down on paper. Twelve pages about nothing in particular! I’m surprised that I had anything in me. ‘Why not?’ I think. It ticks the first thing off my list. Look who’s a published writer now, 2019 (you asshole).

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