Category Archives: COLUMNS

Life Hack. Tip For A Good Life? No Expectations

It was a tremendous gift to grow up not being clever, good looking or particularly pleasant. It also helped immensely that I came from a working class family without any ‘pedigree’.

In our family there was no tradition of certain occupations, no family name to uphold, no pressure to take over the farm or the business, no alumnai it was expected I become a part of (VOMIT!). I was the first in my family to go to uni. But not the last. My younger sister also has a degree. My elder sister has a Phd.

Don’t get me wrong, it was possible to be considered a ‘disappointment’ in our family. But only because we’d been involved in crime, drugs, broken marriages or promiscuity (girls only). It was impossible to be branded a disappointment by refusing to follow the family tradition, go into the family business or uphold the family name because our family had none of these things. The hopes for us were modest. That we stayed alive and kept out of trouble.

No one had any expectations of me so I, like many, muddled through guided only by my curiosity and passion and need to financially support myself. There was never a possibility I could twist myself enough to fit into the cookie cutter shape of any possible version of a woman on offer at the time, which was liberating. The versions of women available to me growing up were slave, incubator, doormat, pleaser, service provider, trophy or garnish.

I had to find my own way without a map, my instinct as my compass. I am deeply grateful I was born here in Melbourne, in 1968, and had the incredible fortune of a state school co-ed education. Those three things allowed me to be self-made and resulted in my life looking vastly different to the women in my family who had come before me. Not only was I the first to go to university but the first to live in share households, never marry, be a single young woman with a drivers licence and my own car, own a home in my name alone, pass my surname onto my sons, travel abroad alone and  work overseas. Easy access to fertility control has allowed me to have had many sexual partners  and choose how many children I had and when.

Everything I have needed to know about life I have learned from travel, living with people and working in hospitality.  The advice I give young people is, ‘choose the subjects you like and your life will follow.’

My eldest Dom sits his first year 12 exam tomorrow and he has no idea what he wants to do. We don’t talk about  universities, courses, professions or marks. He has no plans. Work, travel, finish writing his book, get an arts degree at some stage. I am delighted and happy for him. He doesn’t feel the need to ‘become’ something. He knows he’s something already, and that something is enough for him.

A mate of mine works in education representing a tertiary institution and selling their courses. I am horrified and distressed by the stories she tells me about the pressure and expectations parents put on their kids. I truly don’t understand the motivation to live someone else’s life.

‘The heaviest burden a child carries is the unlived life of their parents’ – Carl Jung

Why don’t these parents who want their kids to be lawyers, doctors, dentists, politicians or ‘creative’ DO THOSE THINGS THEMSELVES AND LET THEIR KIDS LIVE THEIR OWN FUCKING LIVES? Did they only have children to fulfil their own broken dreams?

I only have two parenting tips
1. All children need is to know they are loved.
2. All children want is to see their parents trying, not always succeeding but trying to get their shit together.

So tonight I’m feeling so very happy for our Dom. He’s calm, relaxed and prepared for tomorrow. There is no mark he’s striving for. He’s just going in to do his best.

I was fairly terrible at school. I STILL (30 years later) cannot believe I passed Year 12. All the teachers said I would fail. Finishing school was an unexpected punctuation mark. When you’ve spent 13 years at school you don’t really ever expect it to end. It’s like a chainsaw droning in the background your whole life and then suddenly it stops. Getting my year 12 results blew my mind. I was amazed I scraped through and STILL am today. Even now I expect a letter telling me there was a mix up.

I got 51% for HSC English. In recent years my work has been used on several year 12 exams.

There is no way anyone could have advised me how to get to the place I am today. Nor was there a way to show me this place existed so I could want it. There was no degree or university that could have educated me for the perfect place I have found myself. When I saw a careers advisor in my last years of high school there was no box to tick that said ‘financially independent feminist, atheist, dyslexic, artist and teacher with Fuck Off Status.’ But that’s where I find myself.

‘You had the power all along my dear’ Good Witch Glinda from The Wizard Of Oz.

Growing up in the 70s many children felt like unwanted pets. I was one of those children. More than anything feeling unloved, unapproved of and largely ignored allowed me to be self-made.

‘But what will people think of you?’

‘Think of me? They don’t even notice I am there.’

Our job is to work out who the young people are and support them to be the best versions of themselves they can be. Children and young people are not for us to change. They are not vessels for us to fill. They are not for us to trellis, tame, bonsai or bind.

It is one thing to love someone for what they do for you or how they make you feel. It’s another thing and something very rare to love someone for exactly who they are.

You have one life. Live it your way. Because so many are wasting their lives living in a wat they think will make others happy.

And no, it’s not too late to start.


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Financial abortion: Should men be able to ‘opt out’ of parenthood?

I don’t write many columns these days but I am really passionate about getting the discussion started on this.

I support men having the right to opt out of parenthood via financial abortion.

I don’t think a women should be forced to be a mother. Why should men be forced to be fathers?

It’s rooted in medieval thinking that
1. People should be punished for having sex
2. Sex is the natural consequence of sex
3. Abortion is a horrible distressing shameful thing
4. It’s somehow a man’s ‘responsibility’ to support a woman and his children
5. Women’s choice to have a child should never be questioned
6. Becoming pregnant is a ‘magical blessing‘ and not simply a biological consequence
7. Children ‘need’ two parents. And need them to be their biological parents of different sex
8. Birthing and raising a child is better than terminating the pregnancy
9. Women are unable to raise and support children on their own
10. Everyone should want to be parents



Picture this. A couple has been dating for a few months — having a great time drinking, talking, shagging and wandering through each other’s worlds.

They may have even discussed children, and one or both has made it clear they don’t want any. The couple’s use of contraception has also made implicit their desire to not become pregnant.

But in the spirit of “Q: How do you make God laugh? A. Tell her your plans”, suddenly, this hypothetical couple is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy.

After the initial shock, she has decided she wants to keep the child. He, meanwhile, has no interest in becoming a father. Now what?

I have recently come to the conclusion that, as a feminist, I support men being able to opt out of fatherhood early in a pregnancy via what is known as a financial abortion.


You may also like ‘Why I Am Against Step-Parenting‘.

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Being a mother is not the most important job in the world

Being a mother is not the most important job in the world. There, I said it. Nor is it the toughest job, despite what the 92% of people polled in Parents Magazine reckon.

For any woman who uses that line, consider this: if this is meant to exalt motherhood, then why is the line always used to sell toilet cleaner? And if being a mother is that important, why aren’t all the highly paid men with stellar careers not devoting their lives to raising children? After all, I never hear “being a father is the most important job in the world”.

The deification of mothers not only delegitimises the relationship fathers, neighbours, friends, grandparents, teachers and carers have with children, it also diminishes the immense worth and value of these relationships. How do gay dads feel about this line, I wonder? Or the single dads, stepdads or granddads? No matter how devoted and hard working you are, fellas, you’ll always be second best.

I’m also confused as to what makes you a mother. Is it the actual birth? Or is a “mother” simply a term to describe an expectation to care for children without payment? Is this empty slogan used to compensate women for gouging holes from potential careers by spending years out of the workplace without recognition?

Enabling this dogma devalues the unpaid labor of rearing children as much as it strategically devalues women’s worth at work. If being a mother were a job there’d be a selection process, pay, holidays, a superior to report to, performance assessments, Friday drinks, and you could resign from your job and get another one because you didn’t like the people you were working with. It’s not a vocation either – being a mother is a relationship.

Even if it were a job, there is no way being a professional mother could be the hardest when compared to working 16 hours a day in a clothing factory in Bangladesh, making bricks in an Indian kiln, or being a Chinese miner. Nor could it ever be considered the most important job in comparison with a surgeon who saves lives, anyone running a nation, or a judge deciding on people’s destiny.

There is also a curious sliding scale to the argument. “Working career mums” are at the lower end of the spectrum, and stay at home mothers are at the highest echelons, with ascending increments for each child you have. The more hours of drudgery you endure the more of a mother you are and, therefore, the more important your job is. The more you outsource domestic labour and childcare to participate in the workforce, the less of a mother you are.

It really is time to drop the slogan. It only encourages mothers to stay socially and financially hobbled, it alienates fathers, discourages other significant relationships between children and adults and allows men to continue to enjoy the privileges associated with heteronormative roles in nuclear families (despite men sucked into this having their choices limited as well).

It’s fine to use “motherhood” as a credential if you’re talking about something related to actual motherhood, like vaginal tearing during birth or breastfeeding (despite not all mothers experiencing either). But if you’re using “motherhood” to assert that you care more about humanity than the next person, if you’re using it as a shorthand to imply that you are a more compassionate and hard-working person than the women and men standing around you, then feel free to get over yourself.

You may also like Why I Am Against Step-Parenting  and Mothers Day Is Bullshit

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Teenage girls should be encouraged to say fuck, learn how to fuck themselves and achieve Fuck Off Status.

Teenage girls should be encouraged to swear.

No one is forcing them to but encourage them to swear if they want to. The worst thing you can encourage girls to be is nice and the second is pretty.

The idea swearing is ‘wrong’ or ‘nice’ indicates there’s a universal agreement on the definitions of ‘wrong’ and ‘nice’ and a. these traits are desirable and b. you can project yourself as being nice by simply sticking to the rule of not saying certain words.

A linguist once told me the people most likely to swear are working class men and educated women. Which props up my theory the poor and the rich have much more in common than the middle class. Who work out what they think is the done thing by aspiring to what they think the rich do, and doing the opposite of what they think the working class do.

Encouraging teenage girls to swear teaches them to question the people who tell them they’ve crossed the line or broken the rules. It encourages them to ask “What rules? What line? Says who? Where’s it written, who wrote it and why?”

I tell girls (and boys) to beware of anyone using the words respect, traditional, family values, unacceptable, morality, uncalled for, inappropriate or unnecessary. Particularly to beware of the word ‘offensive’.

It’s code for ‘Pipe down princess, back in your box.‘

Offence is taken not given and more harm is created by taking offence than giving it.

Just because someone is offended does not mean they’re right.

Offence is used as a mode of social control. Do not be oppressed by feeling you’re supposed to lie down in some chalk outline drawn for you by a society that once upon a time would have burned you at the stake for such unladylike behavior. Now all they can do is accuse you of transgressing some social norm constructed by the patriarchy to put you in your place. And the reason you have to be put or kept in your place is in order to fortify their place. And their place would be the one with disproportionate access to power, control, decisions, leisure, money and the ability to control women’s bodies. AMIRIGHT?

Words reveal much.

Men have opinions, women are opinionated.

Men speak, women are outspoken.

Men are passionate, women rant.

Men have mouths, women are mouthy.

And when was the last time you heard a man called feisty, bitter, sassy, shrill or ‘a piece of work’?

The shibboleth is not that people who swear are uneducated or have small vocabularies; the real shibboleth is that people who assert those who swear are uneducated or have small vocabularies reveal they are insular morons themselves.

“The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a fucking lunatic.” Stephen Fry

Teenage girls should learn to fuck themselves.

Had a discussion with Clementine Ford the other day and she told me about a sex therapist on Oprah who said teenage girls should be encouraged to masturbate. People went crazy. The show was overwhelmed with complaints claiming that ‘encouraging girls to masturbate would make them promiscuous’ . Sorry?

(No, it wouldn’t. Buy so what if it did?)

Clem and I then had a long discussion about masturbation. She was flicking the bean and getting the magic feeling from 12. I did not work out how to orgasm through masturbation until I was 21.

Yes 21.

Growing up masturbation was talked about as something only men did and that was only if they were perverts, desperate or gay. Hetrosexual intercourse was the only real sex. Anything else is what you did ‘if you couldn’t get it’. I don’t know when I worked out masturbation was something that women did on their own and with partners. I do know I would have a fiddle every now and then but never manage to climax. Which was why I WAS BOY CRAZY. Jumping the fence to find a boy or a man with the magic wand to make with the abracadabra. My teens were spent in a constant state of distraction and frustration.

If I had been encouraged to masturbate, if it was spoken about in a healthy and positive way and actively encouraged I wouldn’t have been so emotionally unstable and boy crazy as a teenager. I could have had a wank and got on with my homework, had better sex in my teens because I knew how things worked and knew how to fuck myself and perhaps give the boys and menI was shagging a bit of a hand as we fumbled about.

Recently I have found myself in two separate situations chatting away with a women with her teenage daughter in earshot. I used the word ‘lube’ in one conversation and ‘virginity’ in the other. The mothers did that ‘cut it out she’s listening’ hand movement.

What? What’s wrong with teenage girls having the words ‘lube’ and ‘virginity’ explained to them? What is it going to turn themselves into some mouth frothing nyphomania?

There is nothing wrong with sex, pleasure or any part of the body. Safe and consentual. They’re the rules.

People don’t talk as freely and openly with girls about sex as they do with boys. They have gender defined sexual expectations and aspirations for kids. People are always making jokes about their teenage boys wanking in their rooms, but not girls.

Buy your thirteen year old a dildo and a bottle of lube. Explain that girls and boys masturbate, women and men masturbate, straight, gay, partnered and single masturbate. Alone and with others. It’s free, fabulous, a great stress release and the best way you can find out how your body works and what you like so you can share your pleasure with others. It may help prevent them jumping the fence and finding themselves in unhealthy and abusive sexual relationships because they haven’t worked out how to abracadabra themselves. It also may help them concentrate on their homework.

What all women and girls should be encouraged to achieve is F.O.S. Fuck Off Status.

When I was 19 I met a woman called Patricia O’Donnell who I am buddies with today. O‘Donnell is a successful restaurateur, businesswoman and all round brilliant dame. When I was 19, she didn’t know me. But I was sitting at the bar of her establishment The Queenscliff waiting for some of my mates, her staff. She said to me, apropos nothing, ‘You know what you need young lady. You need Fuck Off Status. You need to have your house, and your business and be able to tell anyone you don’t want to deal with to fuck off.’

Best advice I have ever been given. We need to encourage all women and girls to aim for fuck off status (not to dream of just marrying a footballer) and encourage all men and boys to enable and support it.

Women are 50% of the population, do two thirds of the work, earn 10% of the money and own 1% of the land. What do we want? Fuck Off Status! When do we want it? Fuck off.

‘The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off’

Gloria Steinem



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ISRAEL Upper Gallilee. Woman identified as ‘Mary’ claims her son Jesus Christ is The Son Of God™.

ISRAEL Upper Gallilee.  A woman identifying herself simply as ‘Mary’  claims her nine-year-old son Jesus Christ is The Son Of God™.  The 28-year-old mother alleges she was a virgin when she gave birth and conceived via ”impregnation of The Holy Spirit”.   According to ‘Mary’, and her son’s followers who refer to themselves as ‘Christians’, her son performs miracles and ‘speaks the word of God’ because he is ‘The Savior Of The World’. Jesus’ insistence that he is ‘King Of The Jews’ has lead to the boy being home schooled due to bullying.  He is also allergic to nuts.

The family is currently being psychologically assessed by family welfare services.

Mary and her de facto Joseph claim around the time she became pregnant an angel called Gabriel visited and told Mary she was ‘the favored one’.  The angel said ‘you will conceive in your womb and bear a son.  You will name him Jesus’. Mary allegedly asked the angel how this could happen when she was a virgin and the angel responded “The Holy Ghost will come upon you.”  Mary claims to have been the only one present when the alleged angel insemination occurred despite being in a bar dancing to All The Single Ladies after reportedly saying she was’ fucking spastic’.

Mary and Joseph were homeless at the time of Jesus’ birth and the child was born behind a backpacker’s hostel in Jerusalem. A group calling themselves ‘The Three Wise Men” turned up uninvited to welcome ‘The Messiah’ and claim to have been given the heads up on the birth from supernatural sources. Their gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh Mary pawned at Cash Converters to pay for hair extensions and a tattoo.

 Mary and Jesus made headlines five years ago after being ejected from their neighborhood mothers group due to ‘an unshakeable belief of exceptionalism and entitlement that undermined the community spirit of the group”. Ezrelle Orzberg, one of the mums from the now disbanded group known as The Nazareth Nine wrote a best selling book about the experience, Son Of God? Let Me Guess, You’re Special, Join The Queue.  “Sure, we call ourselves The Chosen people but every parent thinks their kid is special which is simply an extension of healthy narcissism which aids our drive for genetic superiority and survival of the species” says Orzberg. “Mary eventually alienated all of us after constantly insisting her son deserved superior treatment.  ‘Give Jesus the first go he’s The Son Of God, Jesus is the Savior of the world so make sure he gets his cordial in a glass not a cup, Jesus wouldn’t have bitten her, he’s divine. Anyway she started it. ’”

‘Mary’ is a part time cocktail waitress and ‘close friend’ of Tiger Woods. She cites her hero as octomom Nadya Suleman.  She is urging the world to follow her son’s teachings and celebrate his birthday which falls on December 25 suggesting  a holy feast called ‘Christmas’.

Despite the far-fetched nature of the claims soft drink giant Coca Cola is negotiating branding ‘Christmas’ with a character called Santa, an elderly obese bearded man who lives in the North Pole and has elves who make gifts for good children who follow the teachings of Christ.  The idea has provoked an outcry from child labor protesters, environmental activists and anti discrimination campaigners.

Santa, who wears red and white to advertise the world’s most famous soft drink and is allegedly friends with God, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy delivers gifts in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer.  The idea that Santa, comes down people’s chimneys has been slammed by occupational health and safety bodies as ‘a bad example’ and by family groups as ‘an accident waiting to happen not to mention issues with stranger danger.”

‘Mary’ is currently in negotiation with Oliver Stone and to make her story into a feature film. Vivid Entertainment has offered the mother of the Messiah an undisclosed sum to appear in a pornographic movie. She has declined the offer.

The facebook page Like This Page If You Think Jesus Rulz currently has over 30,000 members. Richard Dawkins is yet to comment. But Simon Cowell is currently working on The Holy Land’s Got Talent scheduled to go into production in March.



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Best Interview Tips EVER


My best friend is going for an interview for a job he desperately wants. I really want him to get it because from what I can see from the job description he is their man and would be an excellent fit.

I’m no help. Because I am my own business I don’t interview people nor do I go to interviews. I just work with and for grouse people.

So I started asking around for their best interview tips. I was also delighted by how happy and generous people were with their tips. And fascinated by what they were.

Here they are…

Heidi: Lean forward, look interested, nod a lot.

Sue: Remember you are being scrutinized the minute you walk in the door. Don’t ignore the receptionist, his/her feedback may be requested. Dress to impress and so you’d fit in. Talk yourself up! No one is perfect but you take responsibility for your mistakes and give 110% to your employer.
Mick: Ask lots of questions but ask as little as possible about conditions and pay take the “just give me a chance and let me show you what I can do” route. and don’t be too prescriptive. The most powerful and compelling thing you can say in an interview is ‘I don’t know’. It shows you are a person of integrity, humility and honesty.

Victoria: Bear in mind that by the time you get an interview (especially if you’ve already been through a recruiter), the company REALLY wants you to be the right one.

Alistair: Some employers like the “Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” question. Say things about your stickability and vision and shit like that.

Stephen: Remember S.T.A.R. If the interviewer asks a question requesting the interviewee to “describe a time when…” (or something like that), then structure your answer thus: S ituation – “When I was in charge of a clothing store, I observed there was too much winter stock clogging up our shelves”. T ask “My task was to reduce that so we could fund summer’s purchases and free up display space” A ction – “I ran a campaign with travel agent two doors down – 40% for everyone who booked a trip to the northern hemisphere to get ready for their trip”, and R esult. “We cleared the stock in three weeks, and ordered the summer range on schedule.”

Anna: Go in believing you’re a shoe in. You’re perfect for it, you’ve already got it, you’re good at it, they need you. Be confident to the max without being arrogant or ignorant.

Chrys: Try to find out something about the company – read the annual report if possible – and frame some questions you can ask about their operations. Remember, they want to know what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

Be professional – arrive on time, present conservatively, avoid nervous tics (tapping pen etc), firm handshake (no dead fish please!) and try to use the interviewer’s name (but don’t overuse it). Don’t feel you have to answer a question immediately – it might seem like a long silence, but take some time to think about how to answer a difficult question. And never get lured into speaking negatively about yourself or your previous employer. If they ask, “What are your weaknesses?” say something like, “I love working so I do struggle a bit with the work/life balance” or “I tend towards perfectionism, so I’ve had to learn when that’s appropriate and when it’s more important to do an adequate job when the time-frame is the most important factor.

Coffey: Imagine yourself in the job before you phrase your answers, research to avoid faux pas and use the STAR model to respond.

Janet: Read their advert, take note of the buzzwords they use and use them to describe yourself. It sounds too obvious but it works. If they want a “self-starter” say you are. Make it easy for them to recognize that you have the qualities they need. Don’t be subtle.

Michelle: Don’t fold your hands in front of you it makes them think you’re a close person and you’re not the interested in the job, keep you hands open.
I also do a quick 5 minute meditate session before going in. helps clear the mind and get ready for those quickfire questions you will get.

Suzanne: Research the company’s culture and values. Make sure your behavioral responses fit with their values. Use their company vision (they’re long term goal) when asking them questions (how do they see this role in helping them achieve their vision of…). Shows research and cultural fit – and never forget culture is 90% at interviews- your CV got you through the skills/experience/education hurdle.

Gen: Make them laugh. In fact make them like you. All things being equal (similar qualifications, experience etc.) the person who charms the panel gets the job.’

Tom: I saw a briefing note on how to answer difficult questions from a job agency and it had this one: What would you say are your weaknesses? [Or variation] So the strategy with the answer is like this: identify something you didn’t do so well [in the past] like say painting landscapes. Say how you addressed this by [insert up skilling process you undertook] in a specific and practical way [went painting in the Dandenongs every Sunday arvo for the next 3 months]. So you turn a weakness into a strength and demonstrate you are a champ at the same time. It’s not really what they asked but it is the answer you choose to give.

Lou: Be someone they would like to work alongside. You can unleash your inner nutter once you have it in the bag.

Michelle: Nothing beats enthusiasm.

Caity: I always treat it like *i* am interviewing *them*, which I am. How do I know if want the job until I find out what they are like and what’s required of me? I don’t want to end up in a job I hate, and they don’t want to employ someone who is going to hate their job, so really – it’s up to me to interview them more than the other way round. And connect with them. If you’ve decided you do want the job, then treat them like the besties that they are going to be very soon.

Jenny: Brainstorm every question you would ask a candidate going for this job and have a mock interviewwith a friend/partner/dog.

Every time they ask a question take a moment to really think about what they’re asking. This gives you time to decide how you’ll answer and shows you’re a person who is thoughtful and considerate.

Dress for the job you deserve.

And this from Raie was my favorite;

You have to go in radiating ‘I really want this job but I don’t need it.

Go get ‘em tiger!

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Why I’ll be watching the Grand Final this year.

Melbourne is the love of my life. But I hate football. Absolutely detest it. I’ve always hated it. The smell, the sound, the taste… BLERGH. Melbourne I would happily take a bullet for. Football, on the other hand, don’t get me started. Actually I think you just did.

The only thing more suffocating than growing up marinated in something you are repelled by is having to strap on a fake smile and pretend you like it. ‘Why?’ I hear you ask. ‘Why did you feel you had to pretend to like it? Why didn’t you just say, “I hate cauliflower, I hate weeding and I hate football”?’

My 12-year-old asked me the other day, ‘Why were you a Catholic when you were young?’ I thought for a minute and responded, ‘Because I didn’t know there was a choice.’ Football was the same.

Growing up in Melbourne in the ’70s and ’80s, I was embedded in a culture that was obsessed by football. I kept trying to fit in, thinking, ‘Surely all these people can’t be wrong, can they? What am I missing?’ I decided to just pretend.

The result of faking interest in football was decades of nauseating, confusing alienation and cognitive dissonance. It was a life feeling there was something wrong with me. Footy was everywhere. Footy was everything. Who you barracked for was an integral element of who you were and said something about your personality. You could make immediate enemies or instant friends the moment you revealed your team. It was not uncommon for a son or daughter to tell their parents they were getting married and for the first question to be, ‘Who do they barrack for?’

You didn’t just support a club, your veins bled your team’s colours. And how closely you were connected to football was a sign of your worth. ‘You have a cousin in the Carlton under 19s? Well, that’s impressive.’

‘Front row tickets at the grand final? Grouse! Can I see the stubs?’

‘Your uncle is Tommy Hafey’s neighbour? Could you get his autograph for me?’

‘Your dad coaches Carlton? Your dad is a dead-set legend.’

‘You’re married to a footballer…’ (Stutters and staggers into a speechless heap.)

Footballers were – and I am not putting too fine a point on it – gods. Back then, footy was the only way bogans could get famous. These days we have reality shows.

Everywhere you looked there were bumper stickers: ‘One Eyed Pies Supporter!‘ ‘Died in the Wool Demons Fan!’ ‘Go Bombers!’ ‘EON FM Rocks the Bulldogs!’ Have the times changed, or have I just moved suburbs?

Come to think of it, not only did football dominate the conversation and commentary of my first twenty years, it even inveigled itself into fashion, décor and pop music. The barbershop quartet team anthems with the jaunty brass backing were hideous enough but the schmaltzy formulaic pop songs were the real shockers; ‘One Day In September’, ‘Aussie Rules I Thank You For The Best Years Of Our Lives’, ‘The Thing About Football’ and, of course, ‘Up There Cazaly’.

The cloying lyrics and emotionally manipulative music would invoke involuntary goosebumps, teary eyes and a subsequent feeling of embarrassment. The rousing chord progressions, choirs in full flight, strings in octaves and timpani created a confected majesty that tapped into our animal brains. We’re not that smart. Do keep in mind we’re all just monkeys wearing clothes.

The ubiquity of football was even more amplified because of where I lived – in the housing commission area of Reservoir. Reservoir was a working class Mecca where the worst thing you could be accused of was being up yourself. Football was considered a great leveler, an arena where even the dumbest could find some fame, some kudos, some respect. Football was the only game in town. You chose a team and you stuck to it. It was almost like choosing your star sign. And it was for life. You couldn’t change. My childhood was infested with footy-branded beanies, scarves, show bags, stickers, duffle coats, badges, bath towels and doona covers. In: group loyalty. Out: group hostility.

Footy cards were big. Kids would run through four lanes of traffic to grab an empty aluminium can they spotted on the side of the road so they could trade it in for a few cents. They would save up their ‘can money’ so they could go up to the milk bar to buy a packet of footy cards. A packet consisted of five cards with pictures of players on one side and their ‘stats’ on the back, with a stale stick of chewing gum shoved in for good measure. Kids, mostly boys, would sit around at playtime trading cards. ‘Got him, got him, need him, got him, swap ya, got him, got him, need him, got him’. Their dream was to ‘collect the set’. I never knew of anyone who did.

Back then, I barracked for North Melbourne. Why? Well, why does anyone barrack for anyone? I barracked for North Melbourne because my mum did and I was a suck. I had no idea where North Melbourne was, wasn’t keen on blue and white, and had no interest in kangaroos. But at least I had a team. As I navigated my childhood and found myself embedded in constant football I could at least feel a part of one of the twelve tribes that made up what appeared to me at the time to be the world.

‘So who do you barrack for, young Cathy?’

‘North Melbourne.’

‘Ah, never mind, I won’t hold that against you.’

What does that even mean?

Football was all anyone talked about. I would see people listening to it on the radio, watching it on the television, and as spectators at the footy. These grumpy, surly, disappointed people were alight with excitement at the game. The game! The game! The game! Yet many of us thought, ‘Who cares who gets the ball and who passes to who and who kicks the most balls and who scores the highest and who’s on top of the ladder and who gets the wooden spoon?’ But we dared not utter a sound lest we expose that we were ‘up ourselves’ or ‘unAustralian’.

There was a book that came out in 2002 called Sheilas, Wogs and Poofters. It was about the history of soccer in Australia but the title perfectly illustrates what people thought of you if you didn’t follow footy. You were either a sheila, a wog or a poofter. You were an outsider and not to be trusted.

People keep telling me football’s improved on the misogyny, homophobia and racism front. I’m not convinced. Football only progresses when it has to. When it would be bad for business. The AFL are never pioneering in policies advancing women, GLBTIQ, multiculturalism or people with disabilities. Unless, it means they’ll lose shareholders.

I have three sons. All in high school. None of them are into football at all. We didn’t discourage them. To the contrary. We made sure there were balls around that they could play with and if they showed any interest we bought the appropriate colour jumper, went to grand final barbeques and even organised for one of the boys to see a game at the MCG. I have a vague recollection of one of them spending a couple of mornings at Auskick. I think he only went because he heard there were sausages.

The reason we did not actively discourage our sons’ interest in football was simple. While their dad is not into football either, he would tell me about the importance of being able to chat about what’s going on in the world of football in order to lubricate social and work situations. It’s easier than having to explain yourself with people you were probably never going to see again, or people you just had to work with.

When the boys were young there wasn’t a function, party, get-together or barbeque without a boozy older man bailing them up with, ‘So who do you barrack for, little fella?’ To which they would reply, ‘No one.’ It would take a while to register and the old bloke would look startled, hurt and a bit angry. Then he’d say, ‘You have to barrack for someone.’ And they would respond with something like, ‘Why?’, ‘No you don’t,’ or ‘What difference does it make?’

At a recent dinner party I met a woman who was into football and I asked her if she could guess who people barracked for. She was pretty confident she could. So we halted the chat about renovations, schools and medical dramas and the woman guessed which teams people around the table barracked for. Despite not knowing much about them, she mostly got their teams right.

People occasionally question the video games or movies I let my sons watch. When I respond I would much prefer them play computer games than watch or participate in football, they are gobsmacked. At least computer games come with a rating system, warning of confronting or potentially offensive content. Video games are constantly under attack for their supposed ‘bad influences’. Of course, not everything about them is brilliant. As my old Iraqi mate says to me, ‘Every house has a toilet.’ But people are constantly criticising them, hand-wringing about ‘all that violence’, yet have no problem with football.

I rarely have any contact with football now. Which is liberating. And a relief. It seems far less pervasive than it was when I was young but occasionally I find myself unable to escape it in conversation, on the radio or blaring on a screen. ‘Men, men, men,’ I say in my head as football infects the space. If my sons are there, I say it aloud.

‘Oh look! Something different! Let’s cut to some men commentating with other men about what some men did. Time to show a bit of respect as an old man is being driven around the MCG in an open-top car and the men commentating are calling him a hero and a legend and people are clapping and crying. Back to the men talking about what the other men are doing. Now for a commercial break. Men drinking beer, men tending the barbeque, men driving cars while women sit in the passenger seat. Oh, here’s a woman! What is she saying? “Being a mum is the most important job in the world.” And what’s this ad for? Toilet cleaner. Now back to the football. Men, men, men, men, men.’

So I wrote the above piece a year ago. It was published in this famous and fabulous anthology From The Outer published by Black Inc Books. They asked if I’d like to contribute to a book on football. ‘Sure!’ I said ‘You do know I fucking hate football’. ‘Yes, yes, yes’ they responded ‘write whatever you want’. They assured me they wanted some ‘light and shade’.

When I submitted the piece they sent me something through that said something like ‘Love the piece Dev. Just a few things. The title…’

‘What’s the problem?’

‘Well we are hoping to sell it into schools.’

‘What’s wrong with ‘Rapists In Shorts?’

So the title was changed and the book was released into the world.

As much as I am known for love of bike riding, feminism and the inner North I am know for my hatred of football. I’ll ask people what they did on the weekend ‘Took the kids to watch the rapists in shorts Dev, suprised I didn’t see you there.’ My renaming of football has become a bit of a thing. I can’t see why. I’m not being judgemental, just descriptive.

A couple of months ago Bear and I were walking the dog on our lovely Merri Creek. It was a wet miserable day as we plodded through mud and we heard some teams playing on the oval nearby. Bear looked over and said ‘Girl footy! Let’s check it out!’ Keep in mind this is not for the reasons you think. Bear adores nothing more than seeing women do their thing unhindered and unselfconsciously.  He loves Roller Derby and constantly says ‘The sign of a civilised society is women riding bikes at night.’

I needed to use the loo anyway so we headed over to the oval. I’d never seen a full on fair dinkum footy game played entirely by women before. Something exhaled in me. Bear and the dog stood on the side of the ground and I walked around to the change rooms. All the familiar sights and sounds of footy, the umpires at the goal posts, the refs blowing their whistles, people on the sideline cheering, players calling to each other ‘Michaela! HERE!’ but no blokes on the ground. As the spectators, yes. As the spectated, no.

The support teams were mixed gender, and just as I approach the toilets a bunch of excited Middle Eastern young guys poured out a car, joined their mates who were already in the crowd immediately asking ‘Have we missed much? Who’s winning?’

I walked back around the oval to meet back up with Bear and the dog and I was totally absorbed as I passed the whole spectacle again and from nowhere a thought popped into my head ‘I could get into this game if women played it’.

We continued our wet wintery wander and I couldn’t shake this odd feeling of being intrigued by women’s football. I have always hated football but watching the sheilas play made me realise I’d never thought of football separate from toxic masculinity. They were embedded in each other. Like corn in shit.

It was an unexpected Sunday morning revelation. Perhaps it wasn’t football that I hated. It was the toxic masculinity football it’s marinated in. It’s the same reason I’m repelled by religion.

So Bear and I have talked about supporting the Women’s AFL. We’ve been discussing what team we’d follow, who else may enjoy coming to the footy with us. It’s just discussion at this point and, of course, I have huge reservations about enabling the AFL when they have suddenly worked out they can make a buck from footy if they let the sheilas have a kick. If you think I’m being cynical about men promoting women’s sport only when they realise there’s some money in it may I remind you about Lingerie Football. When Kicking In Knickers first hit our screens people from everywhere were nagging me to write something expressing my disgust. But I wasn’t disgusted. I couldn’t give a shit.

My response was ‘Why are you surprised? This is football. This is professional sport. This is commercial television. What do you expect?’

And then there were The Bulldogs. I am working class. I know deep down what football means to poor people. Or at least what it meant when I was growing up. It was something you could join in with and feel a part of no matter how broke you were. So all these people I knew were suddenly talking about the Bulldogs all the time. It was as ubiquitous as Pokemon Go had been when it started. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked.

‘The Bulldogs just beat Hawthorn. The Hawks have won the Grand Final heaps in the last few years. If the Dogs win next week they’re in the Grand Final!’

As the week progressed people got more and more excited. Not the regular footy nuts. I’m talking people who I’d never heard mention football. Lots of mates of mine who were from a long line of Bulldogs fans were beside themselves. The Bulldogs hadn’t been in a Grand Final for 60 years.

The Bulldogs are the ultimate underdog. Working class, unsuccessful but deeply loved. I got so swept up in the good people’s excitement I flicked on the telly a bit before half time.

Reader, I have never turned on the footy in my life.

Fuck me dead. If I were to watch half a game of football in my life this was the one to watch. What a match. What a nail biter. It was as if the future of life as we knew it was balancing on the outcome.

As we all know, the Doggies triumphed. And what a sweet victory it was. When the siren sounded I thought ‘there are thousands of people right now who are experiencing the happiest moment of their lives’.

So yes, I will be watching the Grand Final this weekend. There’s even talk of ‘having something here’. If we do it will involve party pies, cocktail frankfurts, beer, swearing and a pav followed by a feminist debrief.

I don’t hate footy any less. I’m just curious about, if in fact, there’s a place for footy in my life. As I walked back from the loo that wet Sunday I felt ripped off watching the women play. I thought to myself ‘I could have experienced the enjoyment of footy that intoxicated and preoccupied the world I grew up in if I had just felt included.’




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When life gives you melons, you’re dyslexic…

We are the original improvisers, problem solvers and lateral thinkers: Proud member of the D-Squad Catherine Deveny explains why being identified as dyslexic can be liberating, and shares some advice for parents of dyslexic kids.

Growing up, I heard these things over and over again. The way my teachers, parents, classmates — everyone — told me to learn and remember things never worked for me.

I was a very social and “creative” kid who could cook, knit, crochet, sing, understand people’s emotions and “participate well in class discussion”. But I couldn’t learn my times tables no matter what I did, could not tell my left from my right and sucked at spelling.

Now, at 48, nothing’s changed. I still don’t know my times tables, can’t spell, and still can’t tell my left from my right.

Like many parents, I was identified as having dyslexia at around the same time my eldest son, then nine-year-old Dom, was…..

Like many parents, I was identified as having dyslexia at around the same time my eldest son, then nine-year-old Dom, was.

Note the use of the word “identified” and not “diagnosed”. Dyslexia is not a medical condition, a mental illness or a life sentence. Dyslexia is not something that can or needs to be cured. It simply means we are not neurotypical. We are neurodiverse.

It is estimated that 10 per cent of people are dyslexic. Just like most people, we are good at some things and we suck at others. We find some things really hard to learn and other things effortless.

MRIs show our brains are wired differently and, despite being in the normal or above average IQ range, our literacy levels lag a few years behind what is expected — despite normal access to schooling, books and language.

How dyslexics see the world

Neurotypicals — people whose brains and thought processes work in the most common way — learn in a linear fashion, a little like the door-opening sequence at the start of Get Smart (most people are neurotypicals).

But dyslexics see everything from an aerial perspective. We have issues decoding and encoding, which makes reading — and particularly spelling — a huge challenge. Learning can feel like information is being thrown at us in one big hit, rather than being meted out in ordered spoonfuls.

However, we are excellent problem solvers because we can connect ideas from different domains, which we can see all at once.

When Dom (now 18, finishing year 12 and 200,000 words through writing his first book) was being assessed, the psychologists asked: “Does anyone in your family have a learning disorder?”

I responded: “If he’s got something, I have it, too. I understand how he can read the word ‘was’ correctly on one page, read it as ‘saw’ the next and not be able to identify it on the third page.”

It’s very common for parents and sometimes grandparents to be identified as having dyslexia when a child is — simply because, these days, we screen for many issues and dyslexia is genetic.

When one person in your family is identified as dyslexic, suddenly there are ten. I understand why many people are “anti-label” when it comes to issues like dyslexia. Both my son and I found it hugely liberating knowing that we weren’t “dumb, lazy or not trying enough”.

Dyslexia as a difference, not disadvantage
Being identified helped us understand we had a neurodiversity that simply meant we didn’t learn the way most people did.

When Dom was identified he wasn’t fazed at all. I explained we both had the same thing and he looked at me, with my full and happy life and career as a writer, and only saw it as a difference, not a disadvantage.

For me, being identified explained a lot about the way I am and how I think. For Dom, he just knew not to be surprised if he didn’t “get” things the way they were taught at school. We’d find another way to teach him so he understood.

Growing up, I was told “the right way” to learn things. These “right ways” never worked and the ways I did learn and understand I had to figure out myself.

I would identify the finished product people wanted and reverse engineer to get there my way. Ironically, despite being told I wasn’t trying hard enough, I now realize dyslexics are excellent at trying. They have to be. Every single task they encounter they have to teach themselves how to learn.

For example, when I was in Prep, we were doing an exercise on the letter T. The teacher told us to write the word TEA in big letters on a piece of paper, go over the letters with glue, then sprinkle tea over the letters — resulting in the word TEA written in tea.

I got muddled listening to the instructions, so I simply looked at the final product and reproduced it. I picked up the glue brush, wrote ‘TEA’ in glue, poured the tea straight on to the glue and shook off what didn’t stick. The teacher was cross because the exercise was supposed to kill half an hour.

When Dom was about the same age, I asked him to “put the moisturiser” on my bed. I handed him the tube and off he went. A few hours later, I went into my bedroom to find moisturiser smeared all over my doona.

Prominent members of the D-Squad
I love being dyslexic and strongly identify with the term. I am not “a person with dyslexia”; I am a proud dyslexic. We can’t follow rules and don’t “think outside the box” because, for dyslexics, there is no box.

We are the original improvisers, problem solvers and lateral thinkers.

I frequently identify other dyslexics, not through their weaknesses but by their strengths. Dyslexics all have incredible strengths.

As I was watching comedian Eddie Izzard onstage recently, I noticed how fast his brain jumped between unrelated subjects, wound them together, created unexpected solutions and painted word pictures. I thought, “I bet he’s dyslexic”. Sure enough, he is a proud and prominent member of the D-Squad.

Advice for dyslexics
I am regularly contacted by frantic parents asking for advice on how to help their dyslexic child manage at school. The sheer number of apps, therapies, extra classes and targeted literary assistance available can be overwhelming. Here is the advice I give everyone…

Audio books: Get your kid listening to the audio books (not with the book in front of them). The pristine audio and clear speech helps us understand what order words go in and how they are spelt so we can predict what words come after as we read.

Keyboards: Encouraging dyslexics to write on keyboards can teach them how to spell and helps their written expression. Using a keyboard means they are reinforcing their reading by producing uniform font, not messy handwriting.

Tutors: Feeling swamped with information at school can be hugely stressful. Consider having a tutor that your child clicks with teach them topics they are weak in — before the rest of the class. They may also need a tutor, mentor or teacher in things they are excellent at: it will keep their confidence up, and remind they are brilliant in other areas.
We’re what are generally referred to in schools as “students with uneven profiles”. The strengths we have are not compensatory, they are hard-wired, and are commonly in the areas of creativity, business, sport, people skills and engineering.

We are over-represented in areas of high achievement, be it in politics, entertainment, science, art, writing or sport.

Some prominent dyslexics include entrepreneur Richard Branson, Nobel Prize winner Carol Greider, scientist and engineer Nikola Tesla, comedian Whoopi Goldberg, inventor Alexander Graham Bell, social and environmental activist Erin Brockovich, director Steven Spielberg, Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg, artist Pablo Picasso and singer Cher.

Growing up I was told: “You’ll never be a writer because you can’t spell.” I’d respond “but I don’t want to be a speller, I want to be a writer”.

It’s a fabulous “up yours” to those people that I have published over 1,000 columns, made a living out of writing and speaking for 25 years, currently run the most successful writing master class in Australia and have written nine books (the most recently published, Use Your Words, being a book on writing).

But perhaps my most surreal moment on the journey of reconciling my childhood as an unidentified dyslexic and my life as a successful writer came this time two years ago.

In the space of an hour I was flooded with messages telling me something I had written was used in the Year 12 HSC English exam.

How I laughed. I almost failed Year 12 English with 51 per cent.


These days along with my writing and performing I run Gunnas Writing Masterclass all over Australia. 4000 people since 2014 can’t be wrong. More info here.

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When you don’t know what to do, do anything.

Not only does it take a village to raise a child, I’ve come to the conclusion that it also takes a village to raise an adult. We never stop growing up. We’re never finished. We’re all works in progress just trying to do our best and not always succeeding. We’re human. And that’s what humans do. Stuff up. And try again.

Just when you think you’ve got being an adult sorted, along comes big, fat, messy life and throws you a red herring, a poison chalice, a blessing in disguise or a total catastrophe just to keep you on your toes. Or on your knees. Or flat on your back and out for the rest of the season with a groin injury.

No matter how much we delude ourselves, life is never going to be a linear swim from pier to pub. We’re all just paddling, hoping the next island gets us somewhere closer. To where? We don’t know. We don’t know where we’re going. We just think we do. The only other options are treading water. Or sinking.

You can have your goals, your five-year plans and your illusion of security, but you can’t count on them. It gives you a target to run to but don’t be surprised if you find yourself detoured, disqualified or running past the finish line to find yourself off the map. In his book Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart, Gordon Livingston says: “Though a straight line seems to be the shortest distance between two points, life has a way of confounding geography. Often it is the detours that define us.” Ring a bell?

A few weeks back I wrote about everyday heroes. People suffering and battling loss, grief, hurt, pain, depression and addiction. I wrote about my huge admiration for these heroes who, despite everything, and with nothing but the smallest glimmer of hope, just keep going.

I received a big response to the piece both from people suffering and from others grateful to be reminded that there are people around us engulfed by pain. Some people we’re aware of, but others keep their pain private and hold it close to their broken hearts. People we work with, family we live with and strangers who sit next to us on the tram, serve us our coffee or write the words we read in the paper.

It happens to all of us, at times. We go to a dark place on a journey alone. Walking blindfolded through a maze, not knowing the way out, just fumbling through. Hoping that with each step, each turn and each dead end that we will find ourselves in a better place, a happier place.

As much as we would like to, we cannot go with the people we love on these journeys. But we can help. And the mere act of helping can touch another human being’s spirit. We are not just bones, skin, hair and blood. Most of who we are is not visible to the eye. Our thoughts. Our spirit. Our soul.

When my mother’s house burnt down, she said that it wasn’t the people who did the wrong things that upset her, it was the people who did nothing. Which taught me that when you don’t know what to do, do anything. Be assertive in your caring. But don’t stay long. And don’t expect anything. Chances are if you say to someone, “call me if you need anything”, they won’t. So just do something. Anything.

Cook them a meal and tell them to keep the container. Call them. And if you leave a message, let them know they don’t need to call back. Lend them your favourite movie and leave a stamped, self-addressed envelope so they can send it back to you. Take them to the library. Buy them some flowers. Walk their dog. Take them a pie for lunch. Organise a massage for them. Or buy them a pair of red socks. If they are stuck in bed, buy them a new set of sheets and change them if they’ll let you. Do their washing. Take their kids to the park and bring them back fed and tired at bedtime. And when in doubt, make soup.

Just let them know you’re there. Even if they’re not. You’ll be doing far more for them than you’ll ever know, and far more for yourself than you’d think possible. Be there holding the lamp and you may be the light at the end of someone’s long dark tunnel.

We’re all in this together. One moment you’re holding the lamp, the next you’ll find someone’s holding it for you. We’ll all have good times, bad times, happy times, sad times and times that we won’t remember. That is certain. The only thing we don’t know is what order they’ll come in.


On Depression And Magnolias

Just. Keep. Going. A Tribute To Everyday Heroes. 


Gunnas Writing Masterclass. Over 4000 people since 2014 can’t be wrong. For beginners, amateurs, professionals and randoms. BEST of all no one has to share. More here.

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Just Keep Going. A tribute to everyday heroes.

Let’s give a cheer to those who are the embodiment of the human spirit.

Every morning I sit on the front deck and drink my coffee, watching people propelling themselves through life. And I’m in awe of how people can keep going. What a wonder the human spirit is.

I watch office workers, jolted out of their slumber by the alarm clock, who have shovelled in their breakfast, thrown on their clothes and rush to catch the train to a job they hate. I say good morning to elderly neighbours who gingerly walk around the block trying to get their creaky bones and foggy heads working after a night of constant pain and little sleep. I wave to the woman from down the road who has lost her mother after a long fight with cancer. She is shrouded in grief, yet she gets her kids up and dressed, the lunches made and has, against all odds, got the kids to school on time again. And I cheer my mate, overwhelmed by anxiety and depression who runs, every morning. He forces himself out of bed when what he wants is to pull the doona over his head and disappear. Where’s his medal? Where are all of their medals?

No one will ever know the extent of the battles some people among us are fighting and how tough they are finding life. How they find the courage, the bravery and the blind hope to push them through the day. When everything is such an effort some people are only able to live in five-minute increments. Lurching from one coffee to the next. From one mood swing to the next. From one wave of pain to the next. These are people whose favourite part of the day is the moment before they fall asleep. Because they know they’ll have a break from their pain. These people’s boilers aren’t working and all they are operating with is the pilot light. That’s why these people are my heroes.

Winston Churchill said, “When you find yourself in hell, just keep going.”

While many of us have the luxury of spending our time discussing house prices, Mary-Kate and Ashley’s lattes being spiked with full-fat milk or “Is it art? Is it porn?” so many around us are struggling. I saw a postcard last week that reminded me of how tough some people are doing it: “Be kind — for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

You don’t read much about pain in the newspaper. But it’s all around us. It’s all politics, sport, terror, business, celebrities, the economy and recipes. For many, gloom and doom is a welcome distraction from the lacerating pain of their broken heart, the weight of their depression or the terrifying and overwhelming pull of addiction.

We only have one life. The idea is to make the most of it. Some people have more options than others. For those with options sometimes that in itself can be the weight.

Could change lead you to a better life? And if so, then what change? If only there were mortgage brokers for life who could run your stats through a computer program and furnish us all with the best life solution. “Option five provides you with the highest level of satisfaction and the lowest level of dissatisfaction. So lose weight, sell your house, stay with your wife, become a dentist, stop eating cheese and buy a new mattress.”

Not everyone can keep going. Some people’s pain is so profound that the only place they find peace is in death. Like many I have been touched by suicide and, as difficult as it is to comprehend, deep in my heart I know my loved ones were just desperate to find peace.

Let’s help others in pain find some sweet relief. Let’s start a cheer squad for people overwhelmed by emotional pain, physical pain, exhaustion and insomnia. For parents up with babies night after night, people caring for the sick and disabled round the clock and for those whose lives have been ripped apart at the seams. Let’s cheer them on from the sidelines: “You bloody legend! You’re a hero! Just. Keep. Going.”

There’s a website called grouphug for anonymous online confessions. And amid all the pain I found this contribution: “There are two things that I have found to always be true in life, no matter what.

1. Every day the sun will rise. It is a different day with endless possibilities.

2. This too will pass. These words, engraved on an ancient Sultan’s ring, made him solemn in happy times and happy during sad times. Remember these always.”

You are amazing. You’re doing a great job. Just. Keep. Going.


(When I wrote this in 2008 I was suffering major depression and got through using therapy, exercise and writingI can’t over emphasise how much good WRITING this piece did me. I had been struggling for months. I woke that morning and was due to file a column. I had nothing. I thought ‘I can’t. I’ll go to the GP and get some medication. I can’t do this on my own any more’ despite the fact I’d been in therapy, exercising regularly etc for months. I got the little boys off to school made an appointment at the doctor for 11.30am and sat at my laptop and said to myself ‘Write. This has been what has saved you before. Write.’ I wrote this column, cancelled the appointment and everything started to look up. Every year I repost it. Because reading things like this helped me so much at the time. Writing saves people’s lives. I am here to serve x

Find out more about my  Gunnas Writing Masterclass and check out out Love Party

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