Mornings together – Aishlinn McCarthy

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER


I can feel him watching me as I feign sleep, still warm under the covers in bed. He nuzzles my cheek, and I can’t help but smile. He knows Im awake. I open my eyes and look straight into his, green and dazzlingly beautiful. He turns around and flops back on the bed, and I feel his warmth and weight against my chest. He rolls over onto his back, stretches, and I swear I can see him grin, knowing I will not be able to resist reaching across.

We head out of the bedroom, both intent on breakfast and getting the day started. He arrives in the kitchen first and waits. I prepare us both a hasty meal, and he eats noisily, no longer speaking. A creature of habit, he enjoys the same meal every morning. Breakfast finished, he leaves the room and begins his morning routine: carefully, meticulously he washes top to toe, taking great pride in his appearance. I peek in to the room and can’t resist touching him, he loves the attention and I smile to myself.

I glance at the time and realise Ive dawdled too much. Spell broken, I put the finishing touches to my makeup, grab my bag and keys, heading to the door. A quick hug and kiss goodbye, I tell him I won’t be late home and run for the train.

At the end of the day I arrive home and he runs to greet me, as if Ive been gone for weeks. I pick him up and snuggle into his soft fur, as his familiar purr rumbles loudly and he buts my chin affectionately.

Cats make the best companions.

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