The Rumblings of a Story – Amelia Jane Hunter

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER  

We had walked and walked and walked and the hope of finding a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing campsite was proving more difficult than I thought. The terrain was thick, the sun was fierce and the undulation of the country was manipulative and misleading. The clients were tired, I was geographically impaired, the sun was falling heavily into hiding and all my instincts screamed to just set up camp at the next waterway, if only I could find one.

Bec whispered that the clients were tiring and we needed to stop, soon, as the country fell away and the sun bid farewell we eventually stumbled across a creek system that was soiled by cattle, foul smelling and trickling a brilliant, bright orange.

‘Camp’ I yelled ‘any complaints put them in writing and I’ll use them to start the fire’


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