Who – Susan Rudland

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

Who was Scotts mum?   The woman who loved the man who is dead?  The woman who grieved and grew new life?  The woman who went to the country, worked on the farm, and wrote to her sister month by month?  The woman who returned to Port Melbourne, not as Mum, but as Auntie Ann?  The woman who watched and loved and wrote to him always.  The woman who visited him, just him, and listened, really listened.  A constant, quiet, mysterious support.   Who left him everything, inexplicably, to the family around him.

Who was Scotts mum?  Was it Isabella, who found a way to keep her sister safe?   Who received her sisters letters, and added a cushion, month by month?  Who took a holiday in the country and returned to Port Melbourne, not as Auntie Isabella, but as Mum.  Who introduced her fourth child just before her husband disappeared?  Who wrote to the War Office for years seeking news every time a man with her husbands name was reported in the Argus missing and dead column.  Who took in washing, worked in a factory, and bought her house by saving the money she bet on herself each year In the annual factory running race?

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